For those of you in the US who are up early on Sunday morning: my sister and brother-in-law will appear on MSNBC's Your Business. The show airs at 7:30 am Eastern time on Sunday.
This week the Your Business panel of experts will take a look at a business that's dealing with some major problems, and provide the owner with creative strategies to help him grow.Don Dominguez runs K & F Select Coffees, a 25-year-old, family-owned coffee company that made its name primarily as a private-label product supplier. He also runs two coffee bars and sells a line of organic coffee. Don is concerned that the private-label business may have gotten as big as it can. The coffee arena is getting more competitive and product costs are rising. He's at a loss as to how he should market his organic coffee, since his retail exposure outside his own stores is very limited. Don hasn't spent much money on independent marketing because cash flow is tight. The company's revenues have leveled off, and he has already made changes to avoid losing money. Don will talk with the panel and find out how he can further adjust his business plan.
Simon Sinek, CEO & Founder of SinekPartners Corp., a consulting company. Sinek also teaches graduate level marketing at Columbia University's Strategic Communications Program.Susan Wilson Solovic, CEO & Chairman of, the first television network on the web dedicated to small business, and author of "The Girls' Guide to Building a Million-Dollar Business."
And here's more about Wendy and Don's business.