We begin with a bit of light comedy. If you're like me, you hate those forwarded emails that promise you great riches if you just send them along to ten friends. Chris Cree has the antidote - a mantra you will want to use daily. Do be sure to listen to the short audio file on the blog. It's awesome!
My friend, Mike Schaffner is a serious, sober, senior IT leader. Just look the photo on his blog - this guy is no nonsense. So I'm sure this YouTube video he found is completely serious, too.
Much is written about how to achieve your goals. But are you pursuing the right goals? The Slow Leadership blog offers thoughts on how to consciously choose the right goals.
Are you nurturing your network even when you don't need it? Are you giving something back whenever you can? Thom Singer reminds us to be constant gardeners of our networks.
Many writers congratulated Sprint for firing their 1000 "demon customers." Katie Konrath, though, has a different view. Two "by the ways" about Katie. One, I asked her for a list of her favorite blogs for creative inspiration and she sent me a bountiful list of 21 blogs - none of which I had seen so far. She's adding the list to her sidebar, so keep an eye out for that. The other "by the way" is very cool. Katie's mother, Jill Konrath, writes "Selling to Big Companies." She's only been blogging since October, but her Technorati authority (number of blogs linking to her) is a very respectable 306, and she is ranked at #13,610.
Check out the lessons Anna Farmery took away from watching Tiger Woods at the British Open. Great lessons for all of us, presented in a unique way.
Marci Alboher discovered a pretty cool use of "private blogs" to help organize a book writing project.
Need a better idea, a clever idea, a big idea? Consider moodling, as described by Christine Kane.
Jane Greer just reviewed unSpun, a book to help us weed out the lies in what we hear. Sounds like a great book - another one for my "to be read" shelf.
What's more powerful - leadership or culture? Jeffrey Phillips has a thoughtful take on the question.