Are you coachable? Are you at the point where you can benefit when your boss tries to coach you toward better performance? Are you ready to get maximum return from working with a professional coach? Take the short assessment below, which is from Coach U's Essential Coaching Tools: Your Complete Practice Resource (Wiley, 2005, 518 pages), to find out.
If your score is low, work on bringing it up. All of us need coaching from our boss. Many of us will benefit from outside coaching, too. But not if we aren't coachable.
If your score is from 21 to 40, you are in a good position to gain from coaching by your boss.
If your score is over 40, you are ready to get maximum ROI from your investment in a professional coach. Why don't you give one of us a call? Contact me for a free, no-obligation Exploratory session, or check out for other great coaches. Or check out some of these coaches who blog:
[If you are a blogging coach, let me know in the comments. I'll update this post with a link to your blog.]
Instructions for the assessment
Print this page. For each statement, circle the number that represents how close the statement is for you. Total the numbers, and see the key below for thoughts on how ready you are to be coached.
Scoring Key
10 - 20 Not coachable right now.
21 - 30 Coachable, but make sure ground rules are honored.
31 - 40 Coachable.
41 - 50 Very coachable; ask the coach to ask a lot from you.
[Table and scoring key copyright 2005 by Coach U. Inc.]