This week's shot was captured on my Canon EOS 20D at Alligator Bayou on March 17, 2006 late in the afternoon. (Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the shot.)
I used my 75-300 mm zoom at full zoom, handheld. ISO was at 1600, and exposure was 1/400 s at f/6.3.
After loading it into Photoshop CS2, I cropped a bit, adjusted the contrast, and increased saturation. I added a bit more drama using an empty adjustment layer in multiply blend mode at 25 percent. Finally I applied the unsharp mask filter.
Three or more times during the week I write a bit about tactical leadership, strategy or performance management. But work isn't everything I do with my time. Among other things, I am an avid photographer. Each Saturday, mainly for my own enjoyment, I post one (or more) of the photos I'm most proud of. Please feel free to:
- Ignore them, or
- Enjoy them, or
- Share them (as long as you don't use them for commercial purposes, and do tell people where you got them).