Monday I wrote about the need to give to your network, and Wednesday I listed some ideas for giving in face-to-face situations. Let's finish off the week with some ways you can give to your network on-line (and via snail mail).
- Send a book your contact will be interested in. For example, while reading chapter three of 12: The Elements of Great Managing, I was reminded of George. George is a great leader who turned-around the shipping warehouse at one of the facilities in my business. He did it using the principles in this book, so I decided to buy a copy for George and send it to him.
- Send a letter or email offering to help. Take a look at Jason Alba's great example.
- In an e-mail, send a link or an article your contact might find useful.
- Make an e-mail introduction of two people you know, but who don't yet know each other.
- Comment on blogs.
- If you are a blogger, link to other blogs. And add them to your blogroll. And use trackback when it is available. Or learn from the best about linking to others - check out Liz Strauss at Successful Blog. Liz has zillions of ways to make other bloggers feel special.
- Write a useful blog. Lifehacker, for example, offers several cool ideas every day. Daily PlanIt is another site that just keeps on giving.
- Write a complimentary review of a book by one of your contacts, and post it on Amazon and on your blog.
So, that's a few ideas. What can you add?