We all receive negative criticism from time to time. Whether it's our boss, peers, subordinates, customers, spouse, bloggers or professional reviewers, someone is bound to tell us what we might have done better.
How do you take it? Are you able to turn negative feedback to your advantage, or does it cause you to end up on the witness stand like this poor soul? First 'don't do': don't kill the messenger.
There are plenty of ways to make a bad situation out of negative feedback. Mike Sansone, for example, has apparently been holding weekly workshops at his local Panera. But checkout his response when that shop reacted badly to negative criticism. So, there's our second 'don't do': don't ignore the feedback.
I try my best to notice my emotions first, before I go about responding to feedback. Most of us will probably begin by feeling denial. We might think, "He just doesn't understand," or, "He isn't really qualified to judge me or my idea." Get over it!
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